temporal interval

英 [ˈtempərəl ˈɪntəvl] 美 [ˈtempərəl ˈɪntərvl]

网络  时距



  1. A method for modeling imprecise temporal aspects of discrete-event systems, extended interval temporal logic, is proposed, which is an extension of the traditional point-interval temporal logic.
  2. Temporal and spatial changes of soil organic matter ( SOM) content in the sugarcane field after 19-year interval ( from 1980 to 1999) were evaluated using geostatistics and geographic information system ( GIS).
  3. This article presents a new kind of temporal logic& first order interval temporal logic ( FOITL). It is first order logic augmented by interval operator in which there is no explicit reference point about time.
  4. This paper analyzes the important effect of temporal reasoning in the situation assessment system, introduces the temporal interval theory.
  5. 400 to 2000.The result shows that there are characteristics of active in stages, the spatial and temporal order in migration, filling seismic gaps and epicenters repeat, distribution of strong earthquakes be equal in distance. A STUDY ON STATISTICAL DISTRIBUTION OF MAGNITUDE AND INTERVAL TIME OF EARTHQUAKE
  6. The paper presents a temporal knowledge reasoning algorithm based on Time Petri Nets ( TPN). At the base of existing algorithm, the fuzzy time interval is used to develop the algorithm.
  7. Extended Interval Temporal Logic for Undetermined Interval: Modeling and Linear Inference Using Time Petri Nets
  8. Add to it empty incident, adjust the lagging value of the temporal interval.
  9. Different from the usual method using temporal evenly sub-sampling scheme, this method uses average MAD between two adjacent sliding windows to detect the motion changes in the video sequences, and then adaptively change the skip interval length.
  10. However it has not been thoroughly investigated in software testing research.. This thesis proposes an approach to automatic generation of test oracle from restricted MITL ( Metric Interval Temporal Logic).
  11. For the BGK model of the Boltzman equation, we show that for s> 2, the s-moments of the distributional solutions remain bounded on any temporal interval [ 0, T] provided that the moments of order s of the initial data are finite.
  12. This paper first defines temporal interval operators, and uses them to filter the database and merge temporal intervals for mining.
  13. Temporal Reasoning Based on Interval Algebra in Artificial Intelligence
  14. In additional, IA has been extended from one-dimension temporal area to two-dimension spatial area, that is to say, interval algebra can be developed to rectangle algebra ( RA) for two-dimension reasoning.
  15. Secondly, three main blanches of Temporal Logic, which are Linear-time Temporal Logic, Branching-time Temporal Logic and Interval Temporal Logic, are further introduced.
  16. In addition, the Temporal Interval and Time Point are analyzed and their temporal relations are described with the Temporal Operators.
  17. This paper introduces the problem of data mining based on temporal constrains. We create two new operators on temporal interval space and design an algorithm called TISS-DM by making advance of these operators.
  18. In a user defined time interval, the predictive continuous range query continuously returns moving objects that will appear in a spatial query range during a future temporal query interval.
  19. The approximate temporal association rules with valid bounds of attribute value and associated time interval were found by clustering all instances of rule patterns.
  20. Temporal serialization description for the elements in the knowledge warehouse is realized by Temporal Model, which is based on VTL ( Valid Time Interval).
  21. Based on the "pull" behavior of actors during workflow runtime, a temporal interval logic based associated work items mining approach is proposed.